Starting The Game
Each team starts at their back fence.
Balls are placed on the center red line.
The ref yells "Dodgeball!" to start the game.
Balls must cross behind your own safety line before you can throw them at opponents.
Game Play
If an opponent throws a ball at you and hits you, you're out.
A hit is when a thrown ball hits an opponent before hitting ANYTHING else.
If you throw a ball at an opposing player and they catch it, you're out.
When out, line up in your Out Queue in the order you got out.
If you catch an opponent's throw, a teammate from your Out Queue comes back in.
Players rejoining the game from the Out Queue aren't in play until they touch their back fence.
Catches bring in teammates from the Out Queue in the order they got out.
You may use a ball to block, but if your ball gets knocked loose, you're out.
If you throw a ball over the fence, you're out.
If you step over your opponents' safety line, you're out.
A throw hitting multiple opponents results with only the first person hit being out.
If an opponent's throw hits you and deflects up, you may save yourself by catching it.
If you're hit and a teammate catches the deflection: you're out, no one's in, thrower stays in.
Head-shots count as hits. The thrower should hug the victim before play continues.
Holding onto a ball and tagging an opponent isn't a hit.
Balls kicked/spiked/slapped/hit/punched at opponents don't count as hits.
Stripping a ball from an opponent results with them being out.
When it's 1-on-1, there are no boundaries.
If teams are excessively stalling a game, the ref may call "No Boundaries". Stalling is no fun.
A team wins when all opponents are out.
See Our Court and Style of Play
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