We bid farewell to 2 of our neighborhood kids, Kevin and Lucas. They start their freshmen year at Eastern Illinois University next week. They both have stated that they don't know what they will major in, but that's what freshmen year is for, right? Figuring that out? But there is one thing that they both mentioned was for sure. Baseball.
We got them a cake to mark the occasion. Don't pay attention to the "class" part ... we were having technical difficulties with the can of frosting.
Feel free to comment with your favorite memory of these two. Whether it be the time they threw so hard it made you cry or the other time they threw so hard it hurt your soul.
Being one of the few to go toe to toe with these guys on the dodgeball court AND survive, I can say I respect them and their offensive game as well as wish them the best at EIU.
My favorite memory would probably be catching Kevin's fastball on the first night I showed up last year. It took two tries that night and both shots were ridiculously fast/painful but I was able to hold on to one of the balls he tried to smoke me with.
In my opinion, catching their ball once is enough if you have something to prove or when a tournament's on the line. After that, you're just asking for pain regardless of whether or not you catch their ball. :)
Kevin and Lucas are what I called "Goddamn Killers." I remember that I got hit by Lucas with his powerful sneaky throw just when someone in front of me moved. I didn't have time to duck so good job, Lucas.
You have left a mark on my left nipples.
Kevin, he's good to have on your side and worst opponent if youre one on one against him. He's a dangerous man i gotta say. There was a moment where he was aiming for me and I literally ran away screaming, then bam, i got hit behind my knee. I had a freaking short on and OW, that hurt like a bitch. That left a mark for week. I'm not joking, it was all blue and black. When i showed to my friends, they were astonished. Thank you, Kevin, for turning me into a piece of rat's dungs. But hey, I caught your ball in the last year tournament, remember that? That was a miracle, i gotta admit. I didn't catch it right away but luckily, i managed to bounce the ball up and catch it in the air. Everybody screamed in joy, "yes, kevin's out, yeahhhh, go go go"
so kevin and lucas, ....why do i have a feeling that when they come back, they'll be like incredible hulks except they're whites. This is bad. this is bad for all the newbies.
They added the appropriate level of terror. It's always enjoyable to have the equivalent of a t-rex roaming the court, keeping people worried that at any moment the tree line would explode and there is Lucas or Ryan.
And honestly, it was great to cringe at other people getting hit by them, or attempting for an elusive catch against them, like finally coming across a Lugia in Pokemon Silver - sometimes you just got to try.
Here's to hoping they get more powerful than ever at Eastern.
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